#watched FX's Sex&Drugs&Rock&Roll S1E1 #SDRR

"A middle-aged rock 'n roller who desperately wanted to be rich and famous but so far, he's 0 for 2." (IMDb)
Fictional band "The Heathens" get the pseudo-documentary treatment in the intro to FX Channel's new drama series "Sex&Drugs&Rock&Roll" - done so smooth I had actually for a moment thought it WAS a documentary of a rock-band from the past that did not quite make it (having not read anything about the show's premise before clicking "PLAY") … even when I recognized actor Dennis Leary, I had thought "he was in a band before too?" … I blame Dave Grohl of the Foo Fighters for making me believe LOL
“Honestly, if it weren’t for The Heathens, I don’t think there would have been a Nirvana”.

Fast-forward to the NOW, Leary's washed up "Johnny Rock" is flanked by his two backup singers still, and attempts to hit up on a girl in a pub (hang seen her staring at him in a performance earlier) … and realizing later she was not a groupie but SPOILERS AHEAD … his daughter he did not know he had.

A daughter that now wants to be a "star" (played by Liz Gillians) and has organized a recording session and wants Johnny to get the band back together again, so that she could sing. And she wants Johnny to write songs for her. Johnny needs the money, so things proceed as expected and the first episode is done.

Needs to be taken lightly to recognize the humor and fun (the subject matter already seems "sad", you know? LOL), and as well this seemed too frivolous to be taken seriously … but of course this was the first episode, and only other reason I might stay on is actor John Corbett (who plays lead guitarist "Flash") ecoz of my memory of "Northern Exposure" decades back, which frankly had started to sizzle by the time credits roll hahahaha

Shown up top is the 1st part of a 4-part faux-docu, partially edited into the opening scene/sequence of "Sex&Drugs&Rock&Roll" - which I had more fun watching than Ep.1 hahahaha
