BOOTLEGG’S STRANGER THINGS BRAND: ELEVEN Figure by Carlos Espinoza x SpecialEdToys (for “Upside Down Art Show” in Xpanded Universe)

"Bootlegg's Stranger Things Brand: Eleven Figure" a collaboration between Carlos Espinoza (@moctoys) and Special Ed Toys (@specialedtoys), featuring a sculpt by George Gaspar (@couchgrouch) - dropped at the “Upside Down Art Show” in Xpanded Universe, Tucson, Arizona, in late October.

Two editions were available: The Regular, and a Variant version (which had the upside down shadow look!!!) - with both blister carded resin figures each coming in with an exclusive Glow In The Dark D.A.R.E. enamel pin carded on a matching numbered cardback, AND an Eleven trading card!

Limited to 11pcs and each priced at US$100 - you need to head on to the show to snag yours! Or hit up @xpandeduniverse on Instagram to seek satisfaction.

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It's time to band together for safety against those Demogorgons with the official Strange Things Club Kit! 😦 D.A.R.E. to pick up this limited edition kit from the Upside Down Show at @xpandeduniverse next Saturday the 29th because as we all know, Demogorgons Are Real Entities and you'll need all the help you can get against those jerks! 😰 Each kit comes with the exclusive D.A.R.E. pin (shown) and the equally exclusive "Eleven" trading card (not shown)! 😯 More info on this strange collab by @moctoys X @specialedtoys coming very soon. . . #specialedtoys #moctoys #xpandeduniverse #theupsidedown #theupsidedownartshow #tucson #strangerthings #strangethingsclub #eleven #milliebobbybrown #demogorgon #netflix #pinoftheday #pin #pins #pingame #pingamestrong #pinlife #pinlord #pinoftheday #pintrill #pinstagram #pincommunity #pincollector #enamelpin

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A closer look at our Strange Things Club "D.A.R.E." enamel pin 😯 One of these glows in the dark in will be exclusive to the "Eleven" figure set 😦 The other will be available in the exclusive Strange Things Club Kit! Both will only be available at the Upside Down Show at @xpandeduniverse on the 29th of this month! 🔥 More info coming soon on this and the other Stranger Things inspired exclusives @moctoys and I will have at the show so keep following us for final release info. . . #specialedtoys #moctoys #xpandeduniverse #strangerthings #eleven #friendsdontlie #mouthbreather #milliebobbybrown #demogorgon #strangethingsclub #pinoftheday #pintrill #pinstagram #pincommunity #pin #pins #pingame #pingamestrong #pinlife #pinoftheday #enamelpin #pinpals #theupsidedown #theupsidedownartshow

A photo posted by Special Ed Toys (@specialedtoys) on

From our "Stranger Things" trading card series you can grab the one time run "Squad Goals" No. 2 trading card exclusively at the Upside Down Show at @xpandeduniverse this Saturday the 29th. Numbers are limited and we will never reprint this card again. 😦 And who knows, we may or may not be working on a complete series very soon so you may or may not need this to complete said series which may or may not exist. Just saying. Contact @xpandeduniverse if you can't attend but want to pick up one of our exclusives. This and other Upside Down Show exclusives are brought to you by two friends who never lie @moctoys X @specialedtoys *we pinky swear* #specialedtoys #moctoys #strangerthings #friendsdontlie #strangethingsclub #eleven #milliebobbybrown #demogorgon #demogorgon #demogorgonsarerealentities #netflix #squadgoals #dustin #tradingcards #theupsidedown #theupsidedownartshow

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