"Attack on Titan: Counter Rockets" TV Series - Trailer & Screengrabs

"...there’s plenty of footage of Titans in the trailer for Attack on Titan: Counter Rockets, the vast majority of it actually comes from footage from the first in a series of live-action movies based on the smash-hit manga series by Hajime Isayama—which makes a lot of sense considering that Counter Rockets is set between the two films, the first of which premieres next week in Japan." (Reported io9.com)

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"Attack on Titan: Counter Rockets" stars several members of the feature film's "Survey Corps", with "Zoƫ Hanji" (played by actress Satomi Ishihara) being one of the main protagonists (yes, it's her standing in front of the captured Titan, like the anime!). The timeline and happenings in the series happens between the two feature films.
"The three-episode series will begin August 15th in Japan, running until 29th, ahead of the second Attack on Titan movie’s premiere on September 19th." (Added io9.com)

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Loving the giant Wooden-Titans built for training (and it makes so much sense that they WOULD have a training-Titan, no? I smell toys/merch a'coming…! LOL), and the old-skool pseudo-clockwork 3D-maneuver gear! And I reckon there'll be a heckloads more cosplaying to happen in time, as well - as previously fans had only the anime as visual reference…
