Full Trailer for TITANS ... on Netflix!

And the FULL trailer for TITANS has been released, to be broadcast via Netflix (YAY!), which is splendid news! According to The Hollywood Reporter, Netflix snagged the license, and "will stream the series globally to its members outside of the U.S. and China," from October 12th.

Unsure of other DC Universe (direct-to-consumer digital service) shows will go by way of Netflix tho, so we'll just have to wait and see (please "Doom Patrol", please...).

SYNOPSIS: "Titans follows Robin as he emerges from the shadows of Gotham City to lead a new group of heroes - Raven, Starfire, and Beast Boy. The newly formed crew of young superheroes join forces to fight their inner demons and save the planet from evil. They soon realize that alone they're broken, but together they're Titans."
