WESTWORLD-themed fanart for Idiot Box at Gallery1988

Featured here are a select of "fanart" for Gallery1988's television programmed-themed group art show, titled "Idiot Box" - currently on exhibition at G1988 through August 4th.

The theme featured today in this blogpost is HBO's excellent "WESTWORLD" - and one of my favourite shows of 2016, AND this year's second season!

A ton of these featured are embeds direct from the artists' instagrams, so be sure to hit them up for more! All art shown here available to purchase online here (all images via).

Above art by Barrett Biggers (@barrettbiggers)

Above art by Daniel Clark (@iamdanielclark)

A little preview at something I was working on last week

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WestWorld, my piece for @galleries1988 Idiot Box art show which opens tonight!

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