Westworld Season 2: BTS for S2E8 “Kiksuya” / BTS: Ghost Nation (*SPOILERS aplenty)

I sat silent, tears welling up, as Episode 8 of "Westworld" Season 2 unfolded before my senses, as I absorbed the fictionally written emotions presented before me, marvelling at the tenderness and craft in which actor Zahn McClarnon ("Akecheta") brings us on a journey through his "Host"-life.

Don’t miss #westworld tonight at 9pm on @hbo #akicita #ghostnation

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One of the joys of season 2 so far, is exploring the different aspects / worlds of the "Westworld amusement park", as well as delve into the lives of the "hosts"/androids.

Focusing on the "Ghost Nation" violent antagonists seen since the start of the series in season one, “Kiksuya” flips that notion on its head and reveals a tenderness that pulls at your impressions of "love" - "robot" or otherwise - and the razor's edge of "awareness" and the helplessness and strength it (might) bring. Indeed an episode not to be missed, IMHO.

Check out the short BTS/"behind-the-scenes" featurette embedded below - *SPOILERS AHEAD* - and hope that you are enjoying this series as much as I have been.

All the lives we’ve lived. #Westworld

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Take my heart when you go. #Westworld

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