Joe Quesada Draws Daredevil, Jessica Jones & Iron Fist!

Before he was the Chief Creative Officer of Marvel Entertainment ... Before he was the Executive Producer for Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, Iron Fist (on Netflix), Marvel's Agents of SHIELD & Agent Carter (on ABC) ... before he was an editor (-in-Chief) and writer, Joe Quesada was a comicbook illustrator, and a hella awesome one at that!

From the early 90s, his artwork for comicbooks such as "Ninjak" (for Valiant Comics), "Batman: Sword of Azrael" (for DC Comics) and his creator-owned character, "Ash" (for Event Comics), where eye-candy staples in my own collection. I truly miss his regular artwork ... but every now and again, we'd be treated to his art, and in this particular instance, his illustrations for upcoming Netflix TV series, staring DAREDEVIL, JESSICA JONES and IRON FIST! ...I'm still waiting on for "LUKE CAGE" - heck, his teaser launched just too...!

Unconfirmed if these are "official" show images or #fanart, regardless they are awesome AF, thanks! And totally in line with the recent "illustration/TV shows" crossovers, the likes of Jessica Jones and Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. have "benefitted" from, which in terms benefits our desire for eye-candy-connections to the comicbook source, IMHO. SCHWEET WORK, all around!

Stay connected with his Twitter @JoeQuesada (All images via)!
