The Great Northern Pin Party by Scott Campbell - featuring characters from TWIN PEAKS on Enamel Pins!

“Murder has happened in this small town of strange folk”, and artist Scott Campbell has gone and depicted our fav characters from the classic TWIN PEAKS in this “Great Northern Pin Party” series!

Feature here are “AGENT COOP”. “MAN IN RED”, “LOG LADY” and “PETE” (complete with “fish in coffee” :p) - ALL of whom are now manifest as Enamel Pins, each with a SRP of US$10 per!

Currently they are listed on Scott’s own online shop (all 4 for US$35 only). These are also being distributed by DISBURST, do check in with your fav retailer(s) for availability.

Me? I am waiting with baited breath to see if Coop gets made into a resin figure like Ghostbusters did!
