Nate Mitchell’s TeeVee Would Make a Great #iliketeevee Mascot!

"This is TeeVee (or another name, if that one doesn't work out). Someday I hope to make him into a really real toy. He has a removable screen, so you can insert art or screen grabs from any of your favorite TV shows, movies, or video games. His antenna are also adjustable. I should have a rough prototype to show off at Dcon on Nov 19th. "
Shared Nate Mitchell of his latest creation seen here as a digital rendering - whom I think would make an awesome mascot for this particular blog! Wish I had the ability to be apart of the project tho … alas funding it is beyond my abilities now … but one can only hope and cross fingers for the lottery, no?

Meanwhile, check out Nate’s other creations on, and as well looking forward to Designer Con (Nov 19-20, 2016) for further updates on this project!

(Pic via IG @squidkidsink)
