#watched #Killjoys S1E2

Surprisingly Episode 2 of KILLJOYS (Titled "The Sugar Point Run") was much more enjoyable and fun a viewing than Ep.1 had beenwaaaay more! Perhaps less information overload was crammed down our throats, with long expositional chatter beinghad been replaced by short quips (the absolute downfall of modern civilization) this ep, having plenty of gun-play beefing up the flanks, served with a smile, a smirk, a rifle-cock. I like my sci-fi less cerebral, so this works fine for me :)

#watched #Killjoys S1E2 #iliketeevee

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The three primaries get their fun in the sun. DUTCH (Hannah John-Kamen) gets the most attention visually, with loads more lingering headshots and silhouettes. We also get to see a little bit more of her past as a trained child assassin, and … *SPOILER* … her "jumping back" on that bandwagon, sort of ...

D'AVIN JAQOBIS (Luke Macfarlane) gets a focus this episode, showcasing his skills and physique with a gratuitous topless scene, and JOHN JAQOBIS (Aaron Ashmore) gets to show off his smarts and devil-may-care attitude, which somehow seemed "forced", I dunno...

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[ S1E2 Screengrabs HERE on Facebook ]

The technology presented on KILLJOYS remind me tons of "Firefly-tech" - ie: mixed mocktail of sci-fi-future spirit and current world aesthetics, by-way-of apocalyptic fashion with limited budget, which had not repelled me surprisingly, as the story was slightly strong enough to tip the scales … here's hoping episodes after the first two remain strong(er) and I'll be less distracted … but truth be told, I used to be very active in the art direction department of films and tv, so this particular attention I have could well be a simple case of "career sickness" :p

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