Pop! Television: American Horror Story - Freak Show from Funko

FUNKO PRESS: "American Horror Story Freak Show Pop!'s are coming this summer!
The characters from this series are a reminder that life is a carnival! For Twisty the clown, his deformities are equally horrific inside and out! Pepper, whose intelligence was augmented during her supposed alien abduction, is also a former prisoner and the distinctive identities of the Tattler Twins causes incredible drama!
No collection is complete without the incomparably dubious Elsa Mars and her assistant Ma Petite, the world's smallest woman!
Available in June!"

FYI: This is the second series Funko has released from the "American Horror Story" anthology tv show, with "Coven" for a scheduled September 2014 release.
And while I am still fascinated with "Coven" (I have yet to be able to watch the entire series as a whole) - I did somehow managed to chance across half-an-episode on cable television here in Singapore, and not be moved by it, unfortunately … but as per my usual viewing habits, a single ep might well determine my (continued) viewing habits, as much as I had always been fascinated with the notion of "Side Shows", my personal expectation are "higher" … ironic given that I've never witnessed an actual sideshow in my entire life so far :p
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