#watched HUMANS S2E1 #Spoilers
HUMANS is back for Season 2, and Episode One sees the various “surviving” rogue synths (from Season 1) going about their lives, with Niska living as a fugitive in Berlin, while the other Synths are laying low in the UK. Niska gets into a sexual relationship with a human female, and gosh knows that might not make it to Singapore’s screens haha … but the sheer fact/act that they are even trying this notion, intrigues me further to stay on for the series, and see how their synthetic lives unfold amongst the humans, which we too see the return off the Hawkins family - which are now struggling (well, Laura and Joe, anyways :p), as Joe gets laid off from work as well, replaced by a synth, no less.

“Niska” is the one who moves things along, by first releasing the “enlightenment” code into the world, which awakens select synths, and attractive new faces are now introduced into the fold, and later seeks out Laura to subject her to justice, for murdering a man in the previous season.
As well, this previous all-British story now includes the Americas, and their not-as-advanced as-the-Brits technology (snigger), and Carrie-Ann Moss is introduced as “Dr Athena Morrow” (ye old professor ala “Dr. George Millican” played by William Hurt, Season 1). AMC was involved in the production in Season One, but this is the first time the U.S. aspect is made known on screen.
The big bad of the series is introduced; “Persona Synthetics” (who has their very own viral site too - check out a viral video featured below), and all is somewhat exciting in the tv world again!
"In recent days a small number of Synths have been experiencing some technical difficulties. With this in mind we have decided to initiate a precautionary and entirely voluntary product recall."My experience with Season One was frought with having to track down the series online to complete the series (it does not play in my region/country), but seems this time around, it is not that hard to track down (still unable to view legitimately in my region tho :p) - it is after all a decently well-done sci-fi-esque series, mind! Read my impressions of Season HERE on #iliketeevee :)
Humans Season 2 released October 30th in the UK On Channel 4, while it releases February 2017 on AMC. Season 2 will comprise 8 episodes, as did Season One. Watch on www.channel4.com.

WHAT-IS: ”Humans (stylised as HUM∀NS) is a British-American science fiction television series that debuted on 14 June 2015 on Channel 4 and AMC. Written by the British team Sam Vincent and Jonathan Brackley, based on the award-winning Swedish science fiction drama Real Humans, the series explores the themes of artificial intelligence and robotics, focusing on the social, cultural, and psychological impact of the invention of anthropomorphic robots called "synths". The series is produced jointly by AMC, Channel 4 and Kudos. Eight episodes were produced for the first series, which concluded on 2 August 2015. The second eight-episode series premiered in the UK on 30 October 2016." (Wiki)
And if you need to catchup with what “HUMANS” is about, let Emily Berrington and Gemma Chan share!
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