Heroes v Aliens: The Dominators & Behind-the-scenes featurette

Yet another promo piece for the “Heroes v Aliens” crossover on The CW, with “The Dominators” (nothing much we’ve not seen before in earlier promos), and as well a behind-the-scenes featurette, from “The Flash” - which spoils even more of what is to expect hahaha

Having just watched the first part of the crossover - starting with Supergirl Ep.8, I’d say it was quite a bit of a let-down (SPOILER: Only at the very end scene do you see Barry and Cisco meeting Kara), so here’s hoping the next three episodes (inclusive of The Flash, Arrow, and DC’s Legends of Tomorrow) can pack in the heat! More nekkid Dominator-aliens? At least in comicbooks hey had robes hahaha
