#watched #PrisonSchool Season 1 (Live Action TV)

#watched #PrisonSchool Ep9 #iliketeevee

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Season One of the live action "Prison School" has ended with Episode 9 (or so I assume, as I could not find any further news or production details LOL), which saw the boys released from their prison term, and the Underground Students Council being locked up instead, as per the anime & manga storyline.

I have still yet to thumb thru a single page of the manga, or watch a full episode of the anime version, so I am unable to do any comparisons … but while this series has been mildly fun and cheeky for leering otakus (I am not going to deny any associations :p), it is not a slice of "required viewing" in any circumstance LOL

Streamed on Funimation, according the the episode ending sequence touting that the DVD is available.

Unknown if there will be a "Season Two", but there's something kinky about seeing ladies in stripped prison garb baring midriffs … LOL

#watched #PrisonSchool Ep9 #iliketeevee

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A photo posted by TOYSREVIL (@toysrevil) on

#SPOILER #watched #PrisonSchool Ep9 #iliketeevee

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A photo posted by TOYSREVIL (@toysrevil) on

#watched #PrisonSchool Ep9 #iliketeevee

A photo posted by TOYSREVIL (@toysrevil) on

#SPOILER #watched #PrisonSchool Ep9 #iliketeevee

A photo posted by TOYSREVIL (@toysrevil) on

#SPOILER #watched #PrisonSchool Ep9 #iliketeevee

A photo posted by TOYSREVIL (@toysrevil) on

#SPOILER #watched #PrisonSchool Ep9 #iliketeevee

A photo posted by TOYSREVIL (@toysrevil) on

#SPOILER #watched #PrisonSchool Ep9 #iliketeevee

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